yoga banff

hip hop power

Flow to hip hop in this amped up high energy class featuring lots of strong powerful movements with an emphasis on building strength in the body. The music comes high with plenty of energy to fill the room. Don’t come expecting a clean playlist or to chill, we will sweat it out.

yin & meditation

In yin everything is slowed down, allowing for a gradual and safe opening of the joints, tendons, fascia, and ligaments. Postures are held for an extended period of time to embody optimal stretch + relaxation. Yin is a great way to find balance in the usual yang of practice.

yoga banff

slow flow

Focusing on the breath and holding poses for longer amounts of time this slow paced class has more mellow movement, easier transitions and lots of alignment cues, great for a beginner brand new to yoga or an advanced practitioner looking to slow things down and connect with the breath.

ashtanga yoga banff

ashtanga’s greatest hits

Dive into the deep traditions of yoga in this Ashtanga based class. Ashtanga yoga is a philosophical system that was first defined in the Yoga sutras of Patanjali and then transformed into a physical practice and made famous by Pattabhi Jois. Ashtanga combines breath and movement into a continuous flow that follows a set sequence of poses in a precise order that never differs. Since the sequence is the same every time you will really begin to notice changes in the body with continuous practice! This class is based on the primary series of ashtanga and modifications will be offered so that all levels can practice!

banff yoga

restorative meditation & soundbath

Lie down, let everything go and get comfortable using blankets and bolsters for support while you bathe in the healing vibrations of sound to stimulate an altered state of consciousness. This form of deep relaxation can feel similar to a trance-like state. Alongside the sounds you will be guided through some gentle restorative movements and breathwork. This class is sure to have you leave feeling more calm, happy, and less anxious. Bring an eye pillow or something to cover the eyes with if you want!

banff yoga

rocket rave

Inspired by one of our favourite teachers Miles Mortensen. Combining the movement of rocket yoga with the driving rhythms of the dancefloor. Developed by Larry Schultz in the 1980’s, rocket yoga has been said to “get you there faster” due to its dynamic and fast paced style. Expect lots of inversions and arm balances. This class is overlaid with deep house music to ensure that you will feel the rhythm and movement of the rocket series while giving you the energy and power you need to take on your day.

yoga banff

strength & stillness

Get your sweat on in this smooth flowing power class as we move seamlessly from pose to pose building strength and heat within the body. As the practice winds down we invite time to explore and integrate stillness into body and mind.

yoga banff

Sunday Reset

Sunday reset, the last evening of the week to reset and recharge for the upcoming week ahead. Move through a nice paced slow flow class that will build a little bit of heat before we eventually wind down with yin postures that lead into a long restorative shavasana.

banff yoga

mountain mobility

After long adventures in the mountains our bodies need time to recover. Take the time to stretch and release in this mobility and recovery focused flow class that will bring healthy movement back to the body as well as utilizing myofascial release with foam rollers, targeting any sore tight spots within the body. Take the time for recovery so you can take on more mountain adventures!

yoga banff mountain

sunrise flow

Start your morning off watching the sun come up over the mountains as you practice yoga. Sunrise flow will get your day started in the best way as you slowly wake up the body and begin to build heat, bringing in movement and balance to get your day started. With a focus on the breath and deep stretching this class is sure to wake you up before you start your day!

breathe & bend

Beginning and ending with breath work as well as incorporating breath work into poses throughout class, students will be guided through various techniques to harness their breath as they are guided through a flow class.

banff yoga

vinyasa fire

Get your sweat on in this intermediate vinyasa class designed to build heat within the body. Let's get your heart pumping and learn the importance of breath control as we go through a spicy flow full of strength building postures, twists, inversions and arm balances.

banff yoga

mixed level flow

Offering a variety of poses, no two classes will be the same, with a focus on effortlessly moving from one posture to the next while using the breath to link each posture, this class is great for getting you into the flow state. This is a mixed level class so there will be more advanced variations offered but it is your choice as to whether or not you take them.

Power Flow (DarK)

This power class is facilitated in a dimly lit room (not complete darkness but close to) the darkness of the room allows you to close the veil of the senses and draw your awareness inwards. Fueled by immersive music you will form a deeper mindbody connection with a powerful flow sequence. As the room will be darker you do not have to worry about what you look like or others; Nothing to see everything to feel.

(Some prior knowledge of yoga is required as the lights will be low)